Posts tagged giving your wedding speech
How to Find a Legitimate, Talented and Kickass Speechwriter in the Internet Wild West

A father of the bride client in Connecticut named, Ted, called the other day to let me know how his speech went at his daughter’s wedding the previous weekend.

He said, “I must say that my speech was the highlight of the event. It left some folks laughing and crying at the same time. I think you have broken the code with your speech preparation process.”

Then he said, “You must know that you’re in a mirky sea of people who call themselves wedding speechwriters out there… how do you do it?”

So I said, “Then why did you choose me over all the others?”

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Your Wedding Speech: Should You iPhone It In?

I was excited to receive a video recently from a client giving the best man speech at his friend’s wedding in Boston.

He’s a dentist without much public speaking experience so he was on edge in the days leading up to the wedding. The video showed him a little nervous but mostly energized and feeding off the crowd. He got laughs, cheers and applause throughout. A homerun by any standard.

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